Modest Credos

Selfish Lament

Reap the fruit while it hangs from the tree 
before it falls and loses its glee 
Moan not that you have nothing to eat 
for what once was ripe rots at your feet

If Tomorrow Never Comes

This day exists not 
It is but an illusory plot 
Therefore the morrow is naught 
So why then must we give thought 
to the preachers who say we ought?

Truths in Dreams

Please give me the answers I seek 
for blessed you said are the meek 
I have been patient for so long 
Am I in the right or the wrong? 
With eyes closed, in dreams, please shine light 
on the darkness that is my plight 
Reveal to me the truths of life 
Spurn the lies of which it is rife

Too Late for Youth

She said I can never leave him; 
though, where does that leave me? 
Unable to fulfill my own dreams and desires; 
verily, I will wilt and grow old young. 
But I lost my youth long before I even became one.

With Powders and Rouge

With powders and rouge - 
she chases the clock of youth - 
to create a ruse 
